A long history from Druids to modern days guests unexpectedly experiencing poltergeist activity at the castle.
Two warring clans, young love and a tragic death is said to be the cause of the many ghostly experiences reported at Ross Castle.
Eight Irish women disappear in an area dubbed the 'Vanishing Triangle', all eight women were never found and all cases remain unsolved.
In the second part of this series of articles we focus on the categorisation systems used for categorising encounters with UFOs or alien beings.
On a cold dark night a stranger on horseback arrived at Loftus Hall which starts the infamous legend of Loftus Hall and a close encounter with the Devil.
An unknown entity of unknown origin when provoked has been reported to appear with a foul smell, ghoulish appearance and spine chilling physical interaction.
While workers are in the process of demolishing an tenement building that has fallen into disrepair they begin to have ghostly encounters with what they describe as a main in a butcher's apron.
In this series of articles we delve into the subject of alien abduction and try to find some reason to the origin, cause and purpose. This is part of a multi-part series.
Prisoner claims another inmate admitted to being involved in the disappearance of school boy Noah Donohoe.
Said to mark the passing of someone close to whoever hears the Banshee's wail.
U.S. government report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) doesn't rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial origin.
A stone's throw from the notorious Hell Fire Club, stories of ghostly humanoid figures, large black cats and human bones being found at the property.
Dire wolves have been reportedly seen around Ireland over the years with stories about encounters of the extinct animal making their way from generation to generation. Is there something more to these stories and reports, and does the Dire wolf still roam the Irish countryside?
The Shelbourne hotel is said to have been the place of multiple interactions with a ghost child over a 3 night period, the sobbing child named 'Mary Masters' was said to be looking for someone called Sophia.
David Paulides looks into missing person cases from around the world and the commonalities between these cases, from water to boulder fields featuring quite promentaly in a lot of cases, among other oddities that are common across a vast number of the cases David looks at.
Cian McLaughlin was last seen on June the 8th 2021 hiking up the Garnet Canyon trail. There have been extensive search operations in the park but with no further sightings to date. Cian McLaughlin's car has been found but his plans in the national park are still unclear.
People disappearing with no trace in the blink of an eye to never be seen again in some cases.
The ingrained fear of getting on the wrong side of fairies in Ireland doesn't seem to hold the same level of control it once used to over individuals.
The HMS Wasp, a Royal Navy gunboat was lost off Tory Island on a frequently traversed sailing, but for some reason took a rarely used route while on it's way to facilitate the eviction of tenants on a small Island leading to the doomed sailing.