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Saturday 20th, July 2024

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) has unveiled fragments of an enigmatic material, purportedly from an alien spacecraft, at their annual symposium.

Friday 19th, July 2024
Ireland Report / Story

EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen reportedly calls for all EU member states to study UAP.

Tuesday 16th, July 2024

The Department of Defense's UFO investigative body has concluded that a sample believed to be from an extraterrestrial aircraft is likely a 20th century experimental alloy.

Saturday 6th, July 2024

A new film titled "The Cosmic Joker" investigates the enigmatic 'trickster' element in UFO and alien encounters, inspired by the late ufologist John Keel.

Wednesday 3rd, July 2024

New research suggests that low temperature hydrothermal vents on Europa and Enceladus could create conditions suitable for alien life.

Friday 28th, June 2024

A blue UFO was reportedly captured over Rijeka, Croatia on June the 25th, 2024.

Tuesday 25th, June 2024

A recent study has reignited debate over the authenticity of the three-fingered 'alien mummies' found in Peru, suggesting they may hold more scientific significance than previously believed.

Sunday 23rd, June 2024

Threats against UFO whistleblowers have alarmed US lawmakers, raising serious concerns about the safety and protection of those disclosing information on unidentified anomalous phenomena.

Thursday 20th, June 2024

Airbus simulators are to be used to analyse pilots' reactions to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), shedding light on potential air safety risks.

Thursday 20th, June 2024

MUFON is reportedly set to reveal groundbreaking details about a mysterious UAP materials case from Russia at its Annual Symposium in Texas this July.

Wednesday 19th, June 2024
InternationalIreland Report / Story

Stanford professor Dr Garry Nolan endorses an Irish researcher’s theory on UAPs, suggesting a global defence network possibly maintained by extraterrestrial beings.

Friday 14th, June 2024

A US Department of Defense contractor's encountered a glowing UFO in Canada in 2013.

Friday 14th, June 2024

A luminous object with green lights was seen manoeuvring over Tehran, questions have been raised on the origin of the object.

Sunday 9th, June 2024

Jaime Maussan, the controversial Mexican journalist, claims to have discovered three more "non-human entities".

Saturday 8th, June 2024

Argentine Deputy Mayor Javier Pretto has captivated the nation with his detailed recount of a personal UFO encounter.

Monday 3rd, June 2024

A UFO was captured on camera flying past the Blue Angels during an air show on Long Island over Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday 2nd, June 2024

A new study examining the Fermi Paradox with the Drake Equation suggests that humanity might be alone in the galaxy.

Saturday 1st, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

An event over Ireland last night involving multiple pilots reported seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO) while communicating with Air Traffic Control.

Friday 31st, May 2024

Jennifer Granholm asked point blank about reports of 'suspicious occurrences of UAPs over nuclear facilities'.

Friday 31st, May 2024

Japanese lawmakers have formed a nonpartisan group to urge the government to establish an organisation for investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

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