Tuesday 27th, February 2024
Ireland Report / Story

Chilling story of a 1945 UFO encounter on Ireland's west coast where an entity reportedly 'waved' at a witness.

Tuesday 20th, February 2024

A mysterious incident near General Pico, Argentina, in March 2006, Corporal Luis Sergio Pucheta's routine patrol took an inexplicable turn, raising questions about his reported encounter with red eyed beings and a subsequent 30 kilometre disappearance.

Thursday 15th, February 2024

Brazilian natives in the Amazon, hear the word "Alien" for the first time, but when shown images of classic grey aliens they instantly recognise them.

Monday 29th, January 2024
Ireland Report / Story

This video was captured by tadhgkehoe from Twitter on the 13th of May 2023.

Saturday 27th, January 2024
InternationalIreland Report / Story

Jeremy Corbell joined the presenters on The Six O'Clock Show on Virgin Media One television channel on the 26th of January 2024 to discuss the recent TMZ documentary about UFOs / UAPs as well as what happened in 2023 and what 2024 could hold for UFO / UAP disclosure.

Friday 26th, January 2024

Renowned actor and comedian Dan Aykroyd stuns the public with a firsthand account of a close encounter with an unidentified flying object, recounting a vivid UFO sighting in Montreal, Canada.

Wednesday 24th, January 2024

UFO researcher Nick Pope unveils a call for global transparency during interview on GBN, urging a closer examination of South American skies in the quest for answers.

Tuesday 23rd, January 2024

Extraordinary claims surrounding extraterrestrial contact, secret agreements, and advanced technologies, individuals share unverified accounts that challenge conventional understanding and demand critical scrutiny.

Monday 22nd, January 2024

The Lexington Convention and Visitors Bureau has beamed an inviting message into space, aiming to captivate extraterrestrial travelers with the allure of Central Kentucky's picturesque landscapes and cultural offerings.

Sunday 21st, January 2024

Russian cosmonaut Ivan Vagner shares stunning footage of auroras with unexpected lights, UFOs from captured from the International Space Station (ISS).

Thursday 18th, January 2024

Reported UFO/UAP over France on the 10th of January 2024.

Wednesday 17th, January 2024

Contractor Andy Segobia captures clear footage of a silent and mysterious spherical object, resembling a metallic orb, near El Mirage airfield, leaving experts and witnesses baffled by its sudden disappearance.

Tuesday 16th, January 2024

Peruvian forensic experts reveal that objects declared as alien mummies are elaborate hoaxes, comprised of mundane materials, debunking sensational claims of extraterrestrial origins.

Monday 15th, January 2024

This video has been doing the rounds on the internet for a couple of years now. It's alleged to show an actual interview or interrogation with a grey alien.

Wednesday 10th, January 2024

David Grusch's last minute cancellation on Joe Rogan's podcast, citing security concerns post Congress testimony on extraterrestrials, takes centre stage in the explosive documentary "UFO Revolution: Exposing the Largest Government Cover-Up."

Tuesday 9th, January 2024

Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and are revealing for the first time, the 'Jellyfish' UAP, captured on film on October 2018 over U.S. Joint Operations Base, Iraq.

Monday 8th, January 2024

Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb suggests that government officials have subtly hinted at the possibility of unidentified aerial phenomena, sparking intrigue ahead of the House Oversight Committee's classified briefing on UFOs.

Monday 8th, January 2024

Miami police dispel rumors of an alien invasion at Bayside Marketplace, revealing the truth, a brawl involving 50 teenagers which highlights the dangers of misinformation in the digital age.

Saturday 6th, January 2024

Glenn Dennis, mortician and founder of the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico is interviewed on the 19th of November 1990 relating to reportedly witnessing recovered alien bodies from the Roswell UFO crash.

Friday 5th, January 2024

It's being reported that a 7 to 10 foot being was spotted at Miami Bayside Shopping Mall on the 3rd of January 2024, what do you think?