In this latest show from Shadow Whispers in the Night which is hosted by Jenny Sullivan Sunyasi she talks to Barry Fitzgerald about the world of the paranormal.
John Payne from Newport, Wales claims that he caught the Loch Ness Monster on camera from his hotel window.
It's been reported that a UFO was seen over the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant in Russia.
A key component that makes Accidental Truth highly watchable is the fact that the director interviewed nearly all of the film’s subjects himself.
A huge circular ring or halo of red light was seen over Italy on the 27th of Match 2023.
A pet shop near Dagenham is claiming that it's being haunted by the ghosts of pets who have passed away. The store's manager says that staff have been experiencing strange occurrences around the shop and believe it to be caused by the spirits of deceased animals.
In this latest show from Shadow Whispers in the Night which is hosted by Jenny Sullivan Sunyasi she talks to Warren Coates from one of the oldest paranormal teams in Ireland, The Northern Ireland Paranormal Research Association (NIPRA).
Dónall na Gealaí, located at Claregate Street in Kildare town will soon close after 18 years in operation.
Actor Simon Gregson who plays Steve McDonald on Coronation Street reportedly barricaded himself in a room of his home after seeing a ghost while home alone.
Giants Among Us is the seventh show in The Close Encounters Podcast by the Northern Ireland UFO Society (NIUFOS). In this show the host Chris McMurray talks to Floyd Wills about his book The Red-Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave.
Previously having been given permission, the council with oversight of Sentry Hill in Carnmoney and Clotworthy House have accepted an amendment that permission be refused to allow County Antrim Paranormal Research Association (CAPRA) to investigate the two locations.
This is a story from way back in January 2023 but and interesting one.
Research group UFO Identified compiled data on sightings from Freedom of Information requests along with national and local media reports.
The Marburg virus has been slowly increasing it's foot print the past few years and some scientists seem to think it will spread internationally.
Russian scientists are claiming to have discovered and decoded a message from the constellation Canis Major, according to reports.
Do demons exist, are they all in your head, does your religious belief affect if you believe in demons or if you experience demonic entities?
Paranormal Adventures Ireland are holding a public paranormal investigation at Leap Castle on the 15th of April 2023 which is open to anyone.
Untold Encounters vodcast steps into the dark side of the paranormal with Jenny Sullivan Sunyasi, Nando Desario and Sarah Desario. They talk about everything from demonic entities to poltergeist activity and much more.
A recent article published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration where authors Chase Cockrell from the University of Vermont and Mark Rodeghier and Linda Murphy from the Center for UFO studies asked the question and looked into it, did the covid-19 pandemic increase the number of UFO sightings?
As the witness arrived in the room he heard the young girl laughing and joking but there was no one else in the room.