Friday 1st, July 2022

North Korea has blamed it's COVID-19 outbreak on 'alien things coming by wind' which is a reference to accusations of balloons sent over the border.

Tuesday 28th, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

On Monday the 20th of June 2022 a grim discovery was made in Cloneen, County Tipperary when the bodies of Nicholas Smith, 81, and his wife Hilary Smith, 79, were found at their home after a request for the Gardai to make a welfare call to the house.

Monday 27th, June 2022

Thousands of midges were captured on camera in Kinross, Scotland. The video was captured by Ross Cunningham as he was out walking in the area.

Thursday 23rd, June 2022

Two people have been charged with conspiring to bring a child into the United Kingdom in order to harvest organs, said the Metropolitan Police.

Tuesday 21st, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

During mass on Sunday the 19th of June 2022 in St. Joseph's Church in Aghamore, near Knock a 'miracle' is reported to have taken place which has baffled the church minister and church goers.

Sunday 19th, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

On Saturday the 18th of June 2022 locals in west Cork were perplexed with the unusual activity witnessed in the harbor area of Courtmacsherry. At around 2pm the tide in the harbour was witnessed going the wrong way.

Tuesday 31st, May 2022

An 18 year old Irishman has been arrested by police on suspicion of attempted murder earlier this May and has since been moved to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

Monday 30th, May 2022

A man disguised as an elderly woman in a wheelchair has attempted to damage the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, France.

Friday 27th, May 2022
Ireland Report / Story

A house in Waterford was struck by lighting in a freak incident which saw damage within the house including scorch marks, luckily no injuries were reported.

Wednesday 11th, May 2022

Nine individuals detained by Israeli police after passengers on a plane taxiing to take off start to receive photos of plane crashes on their personal phones.

Wednesday 20th, April 2022

A plume or contrail spotted in the skies over Lazy Mountain, Alaska has caused much debate as to the source of the strange plume or contrail.

Monday 28th, February 2022

A section of the B4069 road in Wiltshire, United Kingdom has been left badly damaged and warped due to unknown underground movements.

Wednesday 23rd, February 2022

A flock of birds crashes into the ground on a quiet street in Mexico leaving many birds dead.

Tuesday 15th, February 2022

Hundreds of starling birds have fallen from the skies over Pembrokeshire in the UK, reports of a bright flash of light around the time the birds started to fall.

Friday 4th, February 2022
Reported Experience

Almost clockwork arrival of a new cat, a couple passing in the same circumstances and smashing objects witnessed by more than one person.

Monday 31st, January 2022

Eleven Zebras and one Bengal tiger have died since the beginning of January at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Bangladesh's largest safari park.

Saturday 22nd, January 2022

Two men propped up a third deceased man to try and collect the deceased man's pension hours after he had passed, in an incident described as one of the most bizarre Gardaí have come across.

Thursday 13th, January 2022

A legess beggar hatched a plan to rob women to fund his drinking and gambling. After one of the attacks ends with one of the victims dying, it's a matter of time till the police catch up.

Wednesday 12th, January 2022

A man’s body is found on Rosses Point beach in Sligo, the follow on investigation creates more questions than answers. At the time of writing this no one has ever come forward with any information to help identify who Peter Bergmann really was.

Monday 3rd, January 2022

An unknown illness is continuing to spread in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. To date 48 cases are under investigation while it’s suspected the number of cases could be much higher.