Black Shuck Witnessed In Balbriggan, Dublin - December 2021
Wednesday 15th, February 2023
1 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
The witness in this case was out on an electric scooter at approximately midnight in a housing estate in Balbriggan.

As the witness made their way down the estate on the scooter, the witness would look out for two drains on the road to avoid hitting them.

As the witness passed the first drain they looked up and saw something that was not normally there, the witness proceeded to to look back down to avoid the second drain and then looked up a second time.

The witness says that on the second time looking up they saw a black dog type creature that moved in approximately a 20 yard distance in 3 strides.

The witness described the eyes of the creature as yellow in colour.

The witness stated that they haven't seen the creature since.
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