Monday 10th, June 2024
InternationalIreland Report / Story

Tensions escalate off the western coast of Ireland as NATO allies intensify surveillance of suspected Russian submarine activity near sub-sea cables.

Sunday 9th, June 2024

Jaime Maussan, the controversial Mexican journalist, claims to have discovered three more "non-human entities".

Saturday 8th, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

Shadow Whispers in the Night streamed a live show chatting to Nando DeSario from Portal To The Paranormal and about a mash up of many different things, some paranormal, some not so much paranormal.

Saturday 8th, June 2024

Argentine Deputy Mayor Javier Pretto has captivated the nation with his detailed recount of a personal UFO encounter.

Saturday 8th, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

Nando DeSario of Portal To The Paranormal will be joining host Jenny on the Shadow Whispers In The Night show tonight, the 8th of June, 2024.

Saturday 8th, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

Episode twelve of season two sees discussion about conspiracy theories.

Thursday 6th, June 2024

Under odd circumstances, police officers in Gwambe have abandoned their post, citing nightly terrorisation by goblins.

Thursday 6th, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

Stephen Chong will be on the GhostÉire show on the 14th of June, 2024 at 11pm. Discussing Near Death Experiences, Purgatory and Ethereal Regions.

Wednesday 5th, June 2024

A series of Orca attacks on boats has raised concern within the maritime community, prompting investigations by marine experts.

Tuesday 4th, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

There is a new Irish Paranormal discussion channel for members of the Irish Paranormal community to chat and discuss about all areas of the paranormal.

Tuesday 4th, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

In this next installment of our one on one interviews with members of the Irish Paranormal community we talk to Jessica Murphy from GhostÉire paranormal group.

Monday 3rd, June 2024

A UFO was captured on camera flying past the Blue Angels during an air show on Long Island over Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday 2nd, June 2024

A new study examining the Fermi Paradox with the Drake Equation suggests that humanity might be alone in the galaxy.

Saturday 1st, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story

An event over Ireland last night involving multiple pilots reported seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO) while communicating with Air Traffic Control.

Friday 31st, May 2024

China’s secretive spaceplane, Shenlong, has released an unknown object into orbit, raising international concerns and speculation.

Friday 31st, May 2024
Ireland Report / Story

Episode eleven of season two sees discussion about Wicklow Gaol (jail).

Friday 31st, May 2024

Jennifer Granholm asked point blank about reports of 'suspicious occurrences of UAPs over nuclear facilities'.

Friday 31st, May 2024

Japanese lawmakers have formed a nonpartisan group to urge the government to establish an organisation for investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

Thursday 30th, May 2024

The quest for a unified theory of everything in physics remains elusive, hampered by a pervasive fear of failure and institutional barriers.

Thursday 30th, May 2024
Ireland Report / Story

Episode ten of season two sees discussion about stories they grew up hearing.