Friday 10th, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

There are now nine confirmed cases of monkeypox in Ireland the HPSC has said in their latest update on the spread of monkeypox.

Wednesday 8th, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

Since the 13th of March 2022 there have been 13 probable cases of hepatitis in children with unknown cause within Ireland and a small number of cases which are under investigation.

Wednesday 8th, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

There are now seven confirmed cases of monkeypox within Ireland as of 7th of June 2022 the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has said.

Thursday 2nd, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

A second child has traveled to the United Kingdom for a liver transplant due to Hepatitis which currently has no known cause.

Thursday 2nd, June 2022
Ireland Report / Story

A HSE official has come out today saying that Ireland needs to prepare for additional monkeypox cases.

Wednesday 1st, June 2022

A mysterious signal from space has been detected during observations of a spiral galaxy known as NGC 2082 by researchers in Australia.

Tuesday 31st, May 2022
Ireland Report / Story

There are two confirmed cases of monkeypox in the republic of Ireland now the HPSC has announced today.

Saturday 28th, May 2022
Ireland Report / Story

The first case of monkeypox in the Republic of Ireland has been confirmed, the HSE has announced.

Thursday 26th, May 2022
Ireland Report / Story

The first case of monkeypox has been confirmed on the Island of Ireland, the person is understood to be in hospital for treatment in Northern Ireland.

Thursday 26th, May 2022
Ireland Report / Story

There have been eight probable cases of children with hepatitis of unknown cause which have been identified in Ireland since March 2022 with a further small number under investigation the HPSC reports.

Wednesday 25th, May 2022

Earthquakes do occur in Ireland despite most people thinking Ireland is immune to them.

Tuesday 24th, May 2022

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said today that 131 confirmed cases of monkeypox have been recorded across 19 countries but that the outbreak remains "containable".

Monday 23rd, May 2022

HSE in Ireland sets up incident management team in anticipation of Monkeypox being found in Ireland.

Thursday 19th, May 2022

Case of the rare monkeypox virus have been confirmed in Spain, Portuagal, Canada and the United States since the first cases were seen in the United Kingdom in the past 10 days.

Monday 16th, May 2022

Scientists have been able to bring 'back from death' eyes from a donor five hours after the donor had passed away.

Friday 13th, May 2022

A remote, deep sinkhole in China's Hubei province has been found with a forest and planets that have been reducing in numbers for many years.

Monday 9th, May 2022

A single case of a rare infectious disease known as monkeypox has been confirmed in the United Kingdom over the weekend.

Thursday 28th, April 2022

A 'Potentially Hazardous' asteroid will come close in space terms to Earth on Thursday the 28th April 2022 according to NASA.

Tuesday 26th, April 2022

An unexplained outbreak of hepatitis in young children, usually under 10 has been seen in 12 countries to date with the United States and Israel also confirming cases.

Thursday 14th, April 2022

Declassified documents from the US Space Command (USSC) reveal that an object approximately 0.45 metres in size hit the earth in 2014.