Thursday 30th, May 2024

SETI expert Lisa Kaltenegger believes the James Webb Space Telescope is poised to discover extraterrestrial life in the very near future.

Wednesday 29th, May 2024

A leading Stanford University professor has revealed receiving a stark warning from government sources following his involvement in UFO research.

Tuesday 14th, May 2024

Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO, voices skepticism about alien visitation during a panel discussion at the 2024 Milken Institute Global Conference.

Thursday 9th, May 2024

A photograph capturing a mysterious, saucer shaped object in the skies of Celle di Bulgheria has ignited a flurry of speculation online.

Tuesday 7th, May 2024

U.S. representative, MP Eric Burlison has voiced concerns over the opacity of government "dark programs", highlighting issues of accountability and transparency in their operations.

Saturday 4th, May 2024

Two beings reportedly genuine in Vegas backyard alien video says one video expert.

Friday 3rd, May 2024

NASA will hold a live, audio only, stream on it's findings of it's investigations into UAPs to date on the 31st of May 2024.

Wednesday 1st, May 2024

Authorities seize dozens of items from the Museo del Ovni, a prominent UFO museum, amid allegations of illegal possession of archaeological artifacts.

Tuesday 30th, April 2024

Did astronomers find extraterrestrial life!? On the brink of a potential breakthrough as the James Webb Space Telescope undertakes crucial observations to confirm signs of life on the distant, habitable zone planet K2-18b.

Tuesday 30th, April 2024

George Knapp interviewed about UFOs on GMTV, UK television in 1997 with an appearance from Graham Birdsall from UFO Magazine.

Monday 29th, April 2024

A Pentagon investigation has concluded that an unusual object encountered by an Air Force pilot over the Gulf of Mexico likely was a commercial lighting balloon.

Thursday 25th, April 2024

Claims of ongoing paranormal events following a mysterious incident in Las Vegas backyard in 2023.

Wednesday 24th, April 2024

Essex Police have disclosed information on the number of unidentified flying object (UFO) incidents reported through their incident recording system, from 2018 to 2023.

Monday 22nd, April 2024

Rice University has launched an ambitious research study into the enigmatic world of 'alien abductions', working to unveil the truths hidden within decades of mysterious accounts.

Monday 22nd, April 2024

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has sparked discussion by suggesting on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast that UFOs are controlled by "spiritual entities", rather than extraterrestrial beings.

Sunday 21st, April 2024

Are we hurting our pursuit of the truth by rewording and pumping out the same stuff without questioning the how and why.

Friday 19th, April 2024

Newly disclosed documents reveal the persistent efforts of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to engage UFO whistleblower David Grusch, shedding light on the challenges faced in investigating claims of U.S. Government involvement with extraterrestrial phenomena.

Wednesday 17th, April 2024

A blue, reportedly bio-luminescent object was captured on camera by a research vessel in the Gulf of Mexico.

Wednesday 17th, April 2024

Former BUFORA UFO Investigator Philip Mantle warns of potential government unpreparedness for alien contact amidst rising concerns among the public.

Sunday 14th, April 2024

Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb proposes revolutionary concepts on extraterrestrial life, including the possibility of alien visitation via 'dimension-hopping' technology, stirring debate within the scientific community.