Triangle UFO Or Individual Objects Over Ballymahon, Longford, Ireland - 17th February 2023
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Sunday 26th, February 2023
Ireland Report / Story
On Friday the 17th of February 2023 The Longford Reader was contacted by a reader with the reader describing "an observation of an unidentified flying object", the witness was with their partner at the time of the sighting.

It's reported that the caller saw and recorded the incident in Ballymahon, Longford at approximately 8pm that evening.

The witness has described the movement of the lights in the sky as "very clear" and moving "very quickly" and the witness stated that the triangular formation of lights was very clear despite the weather conditions and quality of the images.

The witness went on to state,

"The photographs do not do this justice. It was very clear that night. The three lights were on the angles of the craft, the body was black. The lights were the colour of an orange flame. The speed that they moved at confirmed it was not an ordinary aircraft."

The witness went on to say,

"When we Googled 'UFO Ireland' this was exactly the image we saw. Everything about it was the same, particularly the flame coloured light sources. I just think it is very unusual."

"We live in the countryside. We have seen military drones, shooting stars, meteorites, satellites passing, all manner of night sky activity. I have an interest in astronomy, but this was nothing like this."

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) were reportedly contacted and stated that,

"We have had a look at the RADAR from the time indicated for Friday 17th February and there was no known or reported traffic in this area at that time."
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