'Brazil's Roswell' Rumours Of 'Creature' Being Captured On Camera In 1996
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Friday 28th, October 2022
2 minute read.
The event took place in January 1996 when a number of people reported seeing a strange cigar shaped object falling from the sky over Brazil.

Witness, Carlos de Souza said, "It looked like a washing machine struggling, fighting to keep its altitude,".

"The side of it was completely torn and it had white smoke coming out. It wasn't black smoke like from a fire. At the time I thought it was like an aircraft in trouble, an airplane, so I decided to follow it."

"[The debris] looked like it was aluminium," Carlos recalled, "I took a sheet. I took a small piece, it was very light. Crumpled it, but when I released it, it went back to its original shape."

Shortly after arriving Carlos states that military trucks and personal showed up and cordoned off the area.

The aftermath had a bit of similar feel to the Roswell incident in 1947, in the Brazil case it's reported that armed soldiers searched the area and threatened of witnesses.

Additionally there were reports of 'creatures' about 4 feet in height being seen around the town, these 'creatures' are reported to have had oily skin and a large head with red eyes.

One witness that claims to have seen one of these 'creatures' said, "I looked in its eyes and saw that it was frightened,".

"Just as I was frightened, the creature was also frightened. I saw that it was scared of us, so it was an exchange of fears, its and ours."

"What we saw wasn't human."

James Fox, the film maker behind the documentary 'Moment of Contact' has indicated that a 35 second clip of the 'creature' does exist and that is could be released in the near future.

The clip of the 'creature' was supposedly taken by a military police officer that captured the 'creature' and brought it to a nearby hospital.

In a Reddit interview, Fox said, "I have personally spoken to three witnesses in Brazil that claim to have seen photographic evidence - both video and stills,"

"There will be details coming soon... very soon."
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